For years, both hosts and attendees have made this a platform on which better, kinder, more patient and more constructive public engagement can take place. To make this happen, every event on Interintellect abides by five simple rules. Every Interintellect event is:
We have a kind, wonderful community, but most events are directly open to the public, and the community is, too. We love to see friendships and collaborations grow out of Interintellect, but all events have the space and structure for new faces.
We bring no agenda to our events–no political, religious, or marketing goals! The only goal of our events is the gathering itself. Interintellect salons delve into complex topics like history, business, political science, philosophy, faith, and so on, and the host’s job is to keep things complicated, not steer everyone toward one end. Keep the arena safe for everyone to play!
As much as possible, we strive to make equal speaking time possible for all attendees. It’s not mandatory, of course: we offer the opportunity to speak, but any attendee can decide how reserved or vocal they prefer to be during a salon. At minimum, as specified in the [Code of Conduct], we expect attendees to use real names on Zoom, introduce themselves, and turn their camera on when they speak.
At Interintellect being multidisciplinary is not just about connecting different thinkers on a panel–it applies to individuals as well. Your varied interests keep our events from being overly siloed into academic or professional disciplines. In this way, Interintellect events and discussions offer surprising bridges and interesting paths.
Interintellect events strive to be approachable and enjoyable for attendees with any level of knowledge on the given topic. Our gatherings—whether neuroscience, ethics, or any topic you can think of—are attended by both famed practitioners and laypeople reading about the topic for the first time. This is a space of building bridges and expanding ideas for all.